15.01.2024 |
很高兴与各位分享我们首发的环境、社会、治理(ESG)报告,介绍我们对业务运营透明度的承诺,以及如何确保未来世代拥有更美好的未来。15.01.2024 |
18.12.2023 |
RSHP 将在巴黎设计全新混合用途开发
我们很高兴宣布近日于巴黎拉德芳斯举行让·穆兰(Jean Moulin)场地的竞赛中获胜。中标方案将通过创造低碳开发项目来改造目前被道路基础设施淹没的地区,该开发项目包括两座多功能建筑和一个新公共空间。18.12.2023 |
14.12.2023 |
赢得Dezeen设志大奖 - 最佳混合用途项目
本周,首届中国设志大奖在上海素凯泰酒店揭晓。RSHP在深圳的最新项目——深圳前海深港青年梦工场北区(一期)获得了2023年度最佳混合用途项目奖。项目建筑师袁嘉樑和上海总监Benjamin Warner代表RSHP出席颁奖典礼。14.12.2023 |
23.11.2023 |
麦卡伦荣获《Architecture Today今日建筑》奖
昨晚在 《Architecture Today今日建筑奖》颁奖典礼中,麦卡伦酿酒厂和游客体验中心以酒店与休闲类别,赢得了“经得起时间考验的建筑”美名。23.11.2023 |
20.11.2023 |
日内瓦机场东翼(Aile Est)获得WAN奖
本周举行的世界建筑新闻(WAN)线上颁奖典礼直播,宣布今年交通类别金奖得主為日内瓦机场东翼(Aile Est)。 20.11.2023 |
14.07.2023 |
世界建筑节(WAF)公布入围名单,我们非常荣幸地铁隧道项目以未来项目基础设施的类别,参与 2023 年艺术节。14.07.2023 |
04.07.2023 |
04.07.2023 |
18.06.2023 |
恭喜勇敢的特蕾西·梅勒(Tracy Meller)、爱瑞卡·里夫(Erica Reeve)和安妮·米勒(Annie Miller)从 RSHP 位于伦敦金融城的 50 层列敦贺大楼垂降 802 英尺。这项重要任务是为皇家马斯登的铭琪中心筹募资金。18.06.2023 |
25.05.2023 |
威尔士皇家建筑师协会 (RSAW) 在 2023 年威尔士建筑奖颁奖典礼上颁给克罗夫茨街区域奖、可持续发展奖和年度最佳客户奖。RSAW是威尔士建筑行业的代表机构,通过与RIBA合作的奖励计划推广优秀设计的价值。25.05.2023 |
25.05.2023 |
RSHP 赢得贝叶挂毯博物馆的重新设计项目
很高兴被官宣赢得法国诺曼底贝叶挂毯博物馆重建设计竞赛。经过5月初的匿名评审,RSHP的概念方案从五家入围公司脱颖而出。25.05.2023 |
16.05.2023 |
RSHP的西蒙·通克斯(Simon Tonks)为西萨塞克斯郡古德伍德(Goodwood, West Sussex)举行的年度建筑师狗狗之屋设计竞赛(Barkitecture)设计了一个狗窝。今年的任务是设计一个适合居家或办公室的狗窝—“伴‘走’作品—工作中的狗”。 16.05.2023 |
22.04.2023 |
戴姆勒奔驰股份公司波茨坦广场办公楼的开创性低能耗设计可追溯到1993年,B4、B6以及住宅楼B8为柏林市及其他地区奠定了新的可持续发展基准,如果根据RIBA 2030气候挑战评估预测能源使用强度,这些建筑将达到2025年的能源效率目标。22.04.2023 |
28.03.2023 |
RSHP很荣幸英国电视第4台总部大楼正式列为二级历史保护建筑。28.03.2023 |
18.03.2023 |
首尔市长吴世勋2023年3月18日访问RSHP 2023年3月18日
18.03.2023 |
14.02.2023 |
我们非常高兴在此宣布RSHP与元利建设联手打造的台北新项目。这栋180米高、有260间客房的酒店,位于台北信义区台北101大楼正对面,这将是全台首座四季酒店。14.02.2023 |
13.02.2023 |
京都府美丽的南山城小学今年庆祝成立20周年。这个项目唤起RSHP团队许多美好的回忆。因此,很荣幸学校的校长、全体师生和当地首长近日齐聚一堂,以植树仪式来纪念这一特殊时刻。13.02.2023 |
06.02.2023 |
本周五,我们将告别受欢迎的Evanescent—展示在列敦豪大楼公共空间的巨型絢麗泡泡燈光装置,这是EC Bid与 FESTIVAL.ORG 和Atelier Sisu合作的Recharge(充电)活动的一部分。06.02.2023 |
31.01.2023 |
我们很高兴地宣布,卡姆登市议会已决定在 1 月 30 日星期一的规划委员会听证会上批准大英图书馆扩建的规划和表列建筑物施工许可申请(7 票赞成,1 票弃权)。31.01.2023 |
11.12.2022 |
RSHP最近公布了深港创新综合服务中心(现名河套壹号)的设计方案,这是一座45层高的自然通风塔楼,设有一体化的多层裙楼。11.12.2022 |
23.11.2022 |
RSHP 新书发布会的建筑学
我们最近在列敦贺大楼的办公室庆祝了《RSHP的建筑》系列书籍新书发布。这个美妙的夜晚,汇集了各方团队,他们都参与了每本书中的不同项目。23.11.2022 |
14.11.2022 |
理查德·罗杰斯绘画画廊荣获 2022 年 Dezeen 设志大奖
理查德·罗杰斯绘画画廊荣获 2022 年 Dezeen 设志大奖最佳小型建筑奖。14.11.2022 |
24.10.2022 |
Ivan Harbour 加入 RIBA 2023 荣誉委员会
高级合伙人 Ivan Harbour 加入 2023 RIBA 荣誉委员会,齐名 RIBA 主席 Simon Allford (委员长);艺术家Cornelia Parker;建筑师 Cindy Walters 以及伦敦建筑学院院长 Neal Shasore 博士。 24.10.2022 |
05.10.2022 |
RSHP 建筑师加入新伦敦建筑专家审查评审委员会
RSHP 很高兴宣布副合伙人 Lorna Edwards 以及高级协理 Soki So 将加入新伦敦建筑专家审查委员会。05.10.2022 |
01.10.2022 |
Dezeen Award shortlist for the Richard Rogers Drawing Gallery
An impressive result for this little project, the Richard Rogers' Drawing Gallery, one of five projects shortlisted in the Dezeen Awards Small Building category. 01.10.2022 |
21.09.2022 |
Stephen Barrett signs open letter to prioritise a net zero economy
In an open letter, Stephen Barrett, partner, has joined 100 business and finance leaders urging the new Prime Minister Liz Truss to strengthen the economy by prioritising response to climate and nature crise21.09.2022 |
25.08.2022 |
Crofts Street shortlisted for a Building Magazine award
Crofts Street, Cardiff, our latest modular housing project of two-bedroom council townhouses, makes the Building Magazine awards’ shortlist for Offsite Project of the Year. 25.08.2022 |
14.07.2022 |
Marco Goldschmied 1944 - 2022
We are deeply saddened by the news that Marco Goldschmied passed away last week. Marco was one of the original four co-founders of the Richard Rogers Partnership, now RSHP, and was Managing Director at the practice for over 20 years.14.07.2022 |
30.06.2022 |
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners becomes RSHP
30.06.2022 |
15.06.2022 |
Parc.1 - RSHP’s first commercial complex in Seoul
15.06.2022 |
27.05.2022 |
在5月29日这个周天,RSHP 将于《Barkitecture》汪星人建筑展呈现为古德伍德庄园(Goodwood)汪星人节(Goodwoof)设计的狗狗小屋(Dog Pod) ,并由邦瀚斯拍卖公司拍卖为Dogs Trust进行慈善募款 .27.05.2022 |
04.05.2022 |
RSHP's first project in Philadelphia breaks ground
RSHP has unveiled designs for its first project in Philadelphia, which recently broke ground in the heart of the Washington Square West neighbourhood. Developed by Midwood Investment & Development, 210 South 12 St. will be a 32-storey, mixed-use residential building, with two floors of retail, and 378 built to rent residential units. 04.05.2022 |
04.04.2022 |
RSHP wins business centre in Lithuania
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP) has won an international competition to design a new nearly net zero operational carbon, 19,200sq m business centre within the CBD in the city of Vilnius, Lithuania. 04.04.2022 |
01.04.2022 |
International Spy Museum wins steel award
The International Spy Museum was one of nine projects across America to win a 2022 AISC IDEAS² Award 01.04.2022 |
08.03.2022 |
HEDQF appoints Tracy Meller as a Trustee
Rogers Stirk Harbour and Partners (RSHP) is delighted to announce that the Higher Education Design Quality Forum (HEDQF), at its most recent meeting of Trustees, appointed Senior Partner, Tracy Meller to its Board of Trustees08.03.2022 |
18.12.2021 |
Richard Rogers Architect 1933 - 2021
It is with deep sadness that the partners and staff of Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners acknowledge the death of our colleague, friend, and founder partner Richard Rogers.18.12.2021 |
14.12.2021 |
Aile Est - A new world class jetty opens at Geneve Aéroport
Aile Est officially opened to the public this morning with its inaugural Swiss flight, the legendary LX022 - Genève Aéroport to JFK New York.14.12.2021 |
02.12.2021 |
RSHP and AECOM’s first net zero carbon modular townhouses arrive on site
Nine net zero carbon townhouses arrived on site by lorry his week at Cardiff’s Crofts Street, as part of Cardiff Living, Cardiff Council’s flagship housing programme with Wates Residential.02.12.2021 |
19.10.2021 |
Concept designs unveiled for Horse Soldier Bourbon distillery masterplan
RSHP are proud to announce a new 227-acre distillery masterplan project for Horse Soldier Bourbon, overlooking Lake Cumberland in Somerset, Kentucky. 19.10.2021 |
14.09.2021 |
YMCA residents move into new modular homes
YMCA Thames Gateway Group, covering Essex, Kent and London, has officially opened its innovative new housing development, solving an affordable move-on accommodation problem its residents have long faced.14.09.2021 |
09.09.2021 |
RIBA success for LSE Centre Building
RSHP is delighted to announce LSE Centre Building's RIBA London Award win.09.09.2021 |
20.08.2021 |
RSHP collaborates with the Geological Society
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP) in collaboration with the Geological Society is proud to announce the opening of Spacescapes: Postcards from our Solar System.20.08.2021 |
18.06.2021 |
RSHP wins commercial tower in Shenzhen
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners in collaboration with China Northeast Architectural Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd, Shenzhen, have won the design competition for Terminal 4 Bao’an International Airport in Shenzhen. 18.06.2021 |
27.04.2021 |
RSHP win competition to design T4 at Bao’an International Airport, Shenzhen
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners in collaboration with China Northeast Architectural Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd, Shenzhen, have won the design competition for Terminal 4 Bao’an International Airport in Shenzhen. 27.04.2021 |
23.03.2021 |
RSHP secures planning for 20 Carlton House Terrace, St James
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners and Clivedale London have been granted planning permission for the adaptive reuse and office extension proposed for the Crown Estate’s iconic 20 Carlton House Terrace.23.03.2021 |
15.02.2021 |
RSHP completes The Richard Rogers’ Drawing Gallery
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP) with Château La Coste are pleased to present the completion of Richard Rogers’ final work begun before his retirement from practice in June 2020.15.02.2021 |
11.02.2021 |
RSHP sets up new office in Paris
The practice has been working seamlessly in France for over five decades, exporting British expertise, but Brexit did not include a provision for the mutual recognition of professional services such as architecture.11.02.2021 |
02.02.2021 |
Mies van der Rohe Award nomination
The Macallan Distillery and Visitor Experience joins a list of 18 UK projects nominated for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award.02.02.2021 |
04.01.2021 |
Civic Trust Awards Success
Congratulations to the LSE project team involved in the Centre Building at the LSE, one of forty winning projects selected out of one hundred finalists by the Civic Trust Awards’ jury.04.01.2021 |
04.01.2021 |
Ground breaking of RSHP’s latest high-rise celebrated in Shanghai
As one of the first group of major building projects in the Jing’An district of Shanghai in 2021, the building represents a significant addition to the area’s urban renewal.04.01.2021 |
09.12.2020 |
RSHP appointed for £190 million MK Gateway
Mixed-use developer First Base and Patron Capital, the pan-European institutional real estate investor, have appointed leading international architecture practice Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP) to lead the design of MK Gateway.09.12.2020 |
27.11.2020 |
NLA People's Choice win
NLA invited Londoners to have their say and vote for their favourite project from the 2020 NLA New London Award shortlist. 27.11.2020 |
07.10.2020 |
Award win for Terminal 1, Saint Exupéry Airport - Lyon
The RSHP French team were in Paris yesterday, collecting on behalf of the practice a Trophée Eiffel for the steelwork on Terminal 1, Saint Exupéry Airport – Lyon in the Travel category.07.10.2020 |
01.10.2020 |
French Stamp celebrates the European Court of Human Rights building
We are delighted to announce that a sketch of the European Court of Human Rights by Ivan Harbour will feature on a French national stamp.01.10.2020 |
21.09.2020 |
Hammersmith & Fulham Civic Campus shortlisted - New London Award
We are delighted to announce that Hammersmith & Fulham Civic Campus, designed by Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, is a finalist in the New London Architecture’s (NLA) New London Awards.21.09.2020 |
01.09.2020 |
Award win for Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities – Passenger Clearance Building
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and Hong Kong Port Passenger Clearance Building, Hong Kong wins a The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design International Architecture Award 202001.09.2020 |
21.07.2020 |
Planning granted for new Hammersmith hotel
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners' revised design proposal for the regeneration of the former Hammersmith Magistrates’ Court site in Hammersmith has gained planning permission.21.07.2020 |
05.06.2020 |
RIBA Shortlist for Centre Building at the LSE
RSHP are proud to be on the RIBA London shortlist with a university building that embodies the core values of the LSE - Excellence, Collaboration and Innovation.05.06.2020 |
12.03.2020 |
Coronavirus Update
Keeping RSHP employees, clients and collaborators protected during the coronavirus pandemic12.03.2020 |
06.03.2020 |
RSHP Partner wins the MJ Long Prize
We are delighted to announced that RSHP partner, Tracy Meller has won the inaugural MJ Long Prize for excellence in practice for her role in the Centre Building at the London School of Economics.06.03.2020 |
06.03.2020 |
Centre Building at the LSE wins BREEAM Award
BRE (Building Research Establishment) announced the winners of its BREEAM Awards 2020 at a gala event held on 02 March at the London Hilton Bankside Hotel.06.03.2020 |
06.12.2019 |
Macallan Distillery wins at WAF 2019
The Macallan Distillery and Visitor Experience adds another award to its collection by winning the award for best Completed Buildings - Production Energy and Recycling at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) 2019.06.12.2019 |
06.12.2019 |
RSHP's new Louvre building revealed
RSHP completes a new conservation and collection facility for The Louvre in Northern France.06.12.2019 |
04.10.2019 |
The Macallan Distillery and Visitor Experience wins the RIAS' Doolan Award
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP) are incredibly proud to win this year’s Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland Award from the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) for The Macallan Distillery and Visitor Experience in Speyside.04.10.2019 |
04.10.2019 |
Two RSHP projects on the CTBUH's most influential tall building list
The Leadenhall Building and Lloyd’s of London have been selected as two of 50 most influential tall buildings of the last 50 years.04.10.2019 |
09.09.2019 |
RSHP completes Centre Building at the LSE
The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) has opened its latest landmark building to students, staff and alumni.09.09.2019 |
06.08.2019 |
Macallan Distillery on RIBA Stirling Prize Shortlist 2019
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners’ Macallan Distillery and Visitor Experience has been shortlisted for the UK’s prestigious RIBA Stirling Prize.06.08.2019 |
12.07.2019 |
RSHP wins Montparnasse Masterplan
RSHP has won a competition organised by the Ville de Paris for the 9 hectare Montparnasse Masterplan, on the left bank of the river Seine in Paris.12.07.2019 |
12.07.2019 |
Merano wins an RIBA National Award 2019
Last night RSHP’s mixed-use development, Merano, was awarded an RIBA National Award 2019.12.07.2019 |
25.06.2019 |
RSHP-designed Heathrow T5 named as one of the World’s Top Airports in 2019
Heathrow T5 has, for the seventh year in a row, been named as one of the Skytrax’s top airports in the world as part of the Skytrax World Airport Awards 2019.25.06.2019 |
11.06.2019 |
RSHP designs street banners for Heart of London in celebration of the LFA
Debuting as a festival hub for the London Festival of Architecture 2019, Heart of London Business Alliance plays host to a thought-provoking flag installation on the famous street of Piccadilly, St James’s throughout June.11.06.2019 |
30.05.2019 |
Open Letter - RIBA Stirling Prize winners declare climate and biodiversity emergency
The twin crises of climate breakdown and biodiversity loss are the most serious issue of our time. Buildings and construction play a major part, accounting for nearly 40% of energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions whilst also having a significant impact on our natural habitats.30.05.2019 |
09.05.2019 |
RSHP-designed The International Spy Museum Opens to the Public
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners is delighted to announce the opening of the new home of the International Spy Museum in Washington, D.C.09.05.2019 |
15.04.2019 |
One Park Taipei wins a CTBUH Award for Excellence 2019
One Park Taipei has won a Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat Award for Excellence 2019 in the Tall Buildings 100-199m category.15.04.2019 |
15.02.2019 |
Hammersmith Town Hall - Planning approved for extension and full refurbishment
Planning permission has been approved for Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners’ design proposal of the extension and full refurbishment of the Grade II listed Hammersmith Town Hall.15.02.2019 |
13.12.2018 |
Leadenhall Building nominated for EU Prize for Contemporary Architecture
383 works from 238 cities across Europe have been nominated for the European Union Prize Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award 2019, 12 of which are London-based.13.12.2018 |
07.12.2018 |
Lord Richard Rogers, Hon. FAIA, Recipient of the 2019 Gold Medal
Richard Rogers, Founding Partner at RSHP, has been awarded the AIA 2019 Gold Medal. The Gold Medal is the AIA’s highest annual honour, recognizing individuals whose work has had a lasting influence on the theory and practice of architecture.07.12.2018 |
24.10.2018 |
Ningbo Gateway Honoured with Qianjiang Cup Award
The Qianjiang Cup has been awarded to the Ningbo masterplan in China. Located on the banks of Hangzhou Bay and created as part of the 2008 masterplan for the client Hongtai Group24.10.2018 |
24.10.2018 |
Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Port-Passenger Clearance Building
Designed by RSHP with Aedas, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) Hong Kong Port is the entry point into Hong Kong from the 42-kilometre HZMB.24.10.2018 |
26.09.2018 |
RSHP Wins Shenzhen 'Urban Living Room' Masterplan Competition
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners has been confirmed as the winning practice to design a new masterplan within the Qianhai area of Shenzhen, China.26.09.2018 |
26.09.2018 |
RSHP and BuroHappold Engineering designs New Mobile Health Clinic Prototype
A real mobile health clinic has been built for the first time at Wellcome Collection.26.09.2018 |
23.08.2018 |
The Macallan Distillery and Visitor Experience wins at the Scottish Design Awards 2018
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners is delighted to have been announced as winner of the Scottish Design Award in the ‘Culture and Leisure’ category for the recently-opened ‘Macallan Distillery and Visitor Experience,’ designed by Senior Partner Graham Stirk.23.08.2018 |
21.06.2018 |
Leadenhall Building chosen as 2018 RIBA National Award Winner
The Leadenhall Building was today announced as a 2018 RIBA National Award winner.21.06.2018 |
12.06.2018 |
Riverlight Mixed-Use Development wins 2018 RIBA National Award
Riverlight, a residential-led mixed use development, was today announced as one of the 2018 RIBA National Award winners.12.06.2018 |
12.06.2018 |
RSHP Celebrates the Completion of 3 World Trade Center in New York
RSHP yesterday celebrated the historic opening of 3 World Trade Center as part of the redevelopment of Manhattan’s Ground Zero 16-acre site. The ribbon-cutting was attended by Larry Silverstein and RSHP partners Richard Paul and John McElgunn.12.06.2018 |
30.05.2018 |
Updated Images Released for Metro Tunnel Project
Minister for Public Transport The Hon. Jacinta Allan MP has today released updated images of the Metro Tunnel Project – Victoria’s biggest ever public transport project.30.05.2018 |
22.05.2018 |
RSHP completes The Macallan New Distillery and Visitor Experience in Scotland
Today (22 May 2018), architects Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners celebrated the completion of the Macallan Distillery and visitor experience in Speyside, Scotland.22.05.2018 |
16.05.2018 |
The Leadenhall Building wins RIBA London Award 2018
Alongside the South Bank-based development Riverlight, The Leadenhall building was announced as one of two RSHP wins at the RIBA London Award 2018 last night.16.05.2018 |
16.05.2018 |
Riverlight win at RIBA London Awards 2018
Last night it was announced that RSHP’s mixed-use development was chosen as one of the RIBA London winners 2018.16.05.2018 |
16.05.2018 |
RSHP’s International Towers at Barangaroo wins Five Awards at the Property Council of Australia Awards
It was with much delight that Lendlease’s and Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners’ development, Barangaroo South, was awarded top honours at the Property Council of Australia’s national awards last night.16.05.2018 |
14.05.2018 |
RSHP’s BBVA Bancomer Tower wins the RIBA International Award of Excellence 2018
The BBVA Bancomer tower in Mexico City is one of 20 international projects in 16 countries to have been given the RIBA Award of Excellence 2018.14.05.2018 |
03.05.2018 |
RSHP’s Barangaroo South development has won two UDIA National Awards
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners’ development, Barangaroo South, has won two awards at the Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) National Awards for Excellence ceremony 2018.03.05.2018 |
19.03.2018 |
RSHP wins competition to develop The HUB, Toronto
Oxford Properties has announced plans to develop The HUB, a new 1.4-million square foot commercial tower in Toronto's South Core neighborhood at 30 Bay Street.19.03.2018 |
05.02.2018 |
RSHP's Saving the City exhibition opens in the Bristol Architecture Centre
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners' (RSHP) Saving the City exhibition, first exhibited at the Venice Biennale in 2016, has opened at the Bristol Architecture Centre.05.02.2018 |
30.01.2018 |
Not By Half: Richard Wilson opens up to RSHP staff about his artistic career
RSHP’s new Drawing Programme got off to a flying start on Friday night, with an inaugural lecture by Richard Wilson, of Slipstream fame.30.01.2018 |
25.01.2018 |
RSHP’s International Towers Sydney shortlisted for CTBUH awards
International Towers Sydney has been shortlisted for both the "Best Urban Habitat" and "Best Tall Building (Asia & Australasia)" award at the Council for Tall Buildings and the Urban Habitat conference.25.01.2018 |
15.01.2018 |
RSHP unveils Hong Kong Boundary Crossing
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP) and Aedas today unveiled their involvement in a boundary crossing which will provide a new entry point into Hong Kong.15.01.2018 |
08.12.2017 |
RSHP’s Louvre collections facility breaks ground
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners’ new collections facility for the Louvre is officially underway after the first cornerstone was laid at a ceremony in Lievin on Friday. 08.12.2017 |
28.11.2017 |
RSHP unveils “Snowfall at the Berkeley”
As part of an ongoing collaboration with the hotel, RSHP designed the specially commissioned installation to evoke a fairytale snow scene to welcome guests as they enter and leave the hotel.28.11.2017 |
24.10.2017 |
Leadenhall Building wins Structural Steel Design Award
The building, designed by RSHP’s Graham Stirk with Laing O’Rourke as the main contractor and Arup as the structural engineers, was described by the judges as a “world-class project [which] is an exemplar for large commercial buildings.24.10.2017 |
11.10.2017 |
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners celebrates 10 years of practice
Today (11 October), Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners celebrates 10 years since the practice officially changed its name to recognise the work of Graham Stirk and Ivan Harbour.11.10.2017 |
07.08.2017 |
AJ Bell 100 Triathlon
Thirty brave members of RSHP staff battled wind, rain, and lightning to complete the AJ Bell 100 Triathlon at the London Excel centre on Saturday 22nd July.07.08.2017 |
20.07.2017 |
RSHP’s British Museum extension shortlisted for the Stirling Prize
The British Museum World Conservation and Exhibitions Centre is one of the largest redevelopment projects in the British Museum’s 260-year history. Designed by senior partner Graham Stirk, with partner John McElgunn as project architect, the building’s simple exterior belies the complexity of the site, and marks a new phase of the practice’s architectural output.20.07.2017 |
05.07.2017 |
RSHP wins Royal Academy architecture prize
The team behind Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partner’s Geneva Airport extension has won the prestigious Royal Academy Turkishceramics Prize for Architecture.05.07.2017 |
05.07.2017 |
New Cancer Centre at Guy’s Hospital wins two NLA awards
The New Cancer Centre at Guy’s Hospital picked up two New London Architecture awards at a ceremony at the City of London Guildhall on Wednesday 5 July. The centre, designed by Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners with Stantec, was awarded the “wellbeing” award as well as the Ashden Prize for sustainability.05.07.2017 |
15.06.2017 |
RSHP wins the Great Architectural Bake Off
Roger Stirk Harbour + Partners has proved itself to be masters of cakeitecture for the second year in a row, winning the Great Architectural Bake Off 2017.15.06.2017 |
09.06.2017 |
Response to the General Election
Response to the General Election in June 2017 from senior partner Ivan Harbour 09.06.2017 |
24.05.2017 |
RSHP wins two RIBA London awards
Two of RSHP’s recently completed projects have won prestigious RIBA regional awards. 24.05.2017 |
16.05.2017 |
EU nationals must not be a negotiating chip
A letter from the architectural profession16.05.2017 |
28.04.2017 |
RSHP gains planning permission for N22 at International Quarter London
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP) has gained planning permission for a new building, named N22, at International Quarter London28.04.2017 |
11.04.2017 |
RSHP to design extension to the British Library
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners has been appointed to design an extension to the British Library, to be built on a 2.8 acre site to the north of its Grade 1 Listed building at St Pancras in London.11.04.2017 |
03.03.2017 |
PLACE/Ladywell Highly Commended in London Planning Awards
PLACE/Ladywell was Highly Commended in the 2017 London Planning Awards in the category 'Best new place to live'.03.03.2017 |
09.02.2017 |
BBVA Bancomer Tower awarded "Office Building of the Year" by ArchDaily
The BBVA Bancomer Tower has won ArchDaily’s Office Building of the Year 2017 award.09.02.2017 |
30.01.2017 |
10×10 Drawing the River London raises £51,000 for Article 25
On Tuesday 1st December, the annual 10×10 Drawing the River London auction took place at the Royal Institute of British Architects in London. The bidders raised over £51,000 for the charity Article |
07.12.2016 |
RSHP completes International Towers at Barangaroo, Sydney
Today (08 December 2016), Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners celebrated the completion of the final tower at International Towers Sydney. This marks the conclusion of the first significant part of the practice’s masterplan for Barangaroo South.07.12.2016 |
18.10.2016 |
Harvard Graduate School of Design launches the Richard Rogers Fellowship
Rogers’ Wimbledon House, gifted to Harvard in 2015, will host a residency programme designed to support architectural and urban research.18.10.2016 |
05.10.2016 |
RSHP wins BCO award for Best Commercial Workplace in the UK, 2016
Designed by RSHP, The Leadenhall Building has won the British Council of Offices Prize for the Best Commercial Workplace in the UK, 2016. The award ceremony took place at The Grosvenor House Hotel in London05.10.2016 |
05.10.2016 |
Shaping London’s future workspaces exhibition at New London Architecture, featuring PLACE/Ladywell, Chiswick Park and RSHP’s studio in The Leadenhall Building.05.10.2016 |
30.09.2016 |
Foster and Partners visit The Leadenhall Building
Grant Brooker, on behalf of all the Partners at Foster and Partners presented RSHP’s Graham Stirk with a Cheese and Pickle model representing The Leadenhall Building (The Cheesegrater) and St Mary’s Axe (The Gherkin).30.09.2016 |
26.09.2016 |
£160 million Cancer Centre opens at Guy’s Hospital
A new £160 million cancer centre at Guy’s Hospital, designed by Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners and healthcare specialist architects Stantec, opens today.26.09.2016 |
18.09.2016 |
VeloVeni arrives in Venice
The 24 VeloVeni riders arrived in Venice on schedule having completed the 1014 mile cycle from London over 10 days, including climbing a total of 15,179m and some of the highest Alpine passes: Stelvio and Gavia18.09.2016 |
14.09.2016 |
Spy Museum launches construction on new landmark
District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser and Museum founder Milton Maltz today joined in celebrating the start of construction on a new International Spy Museum (SPY) building, a landmark that will be a permanent cultural resource at L’Enfant Plaza in the14.09.2016 |
08.09.2016 |
VeloVeni: The grand depart
Set up by a team from Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, VeloVeni is a charity bike ride from London to Venice, aiming to replicate the huge success of VeloFlo 2014.08.09.2016 |
21.08.2016 |
Open House 2016
Five RSHP designed buildings, including the practice’s own Studio in The Leadenhall Building will be welcoming visitors for Open House 2016.21.08.2016 |
17.08.2016 |
Plug In to Housing
On 5 September, Ivan Harbour will be speaking about RSHP’s approach to volumetric housing in Peter Cook’s Floating Ideas event season at the Royal Academy.17.08.2016 |
23.07.2016 |
1000 construction workers celebrate Topping Out of 3 World Trade Center
Silverstein Properties Chairman, Larry A Silverstein and Richard Paul, Partner in charge of the project at architect’s Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners were joined by approximately 1,000 union construction workers.23.07.2016 |
18.07.2016 |
PLACEMAKING: a modular approach to London's housing shortage
The scale of the housing supply crisis in London tells us that what we are doing is not working. It is not good enough. And that we have to look at new ways of working.18.07.2016 |
07.07.2016 |
PLACE/Ladywell housing wins Mayor’s Prize and the Temporary building category at NLA Awards
PLACE/Ladywell housing has been awarded the Mayor’s Prize, in association with the Mayor of London.07.07.2016 |
07.07.2016 |
The Leadenhall Building receives best commercial building at the NLA Awards
RSHP’s Senior Partner, Graham Stirk, received the prize for best commercial building at New London Architecture awards ceremony today at The Guildhall in the City of London.07.07.2016 |
20.06.2016 |
Better and Stronger Together
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners firmly believe that remaining within the European Union is in the best interests of the United Kingdom.20.06.2016 |
16.06.2016 |
Work starts on New International Spy Museum
SPY Museum moves forward with relocation and expansion.16.06.2016 |
07.06.2016 |
RSHP showcase unbuilt housing projects at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition
This year’s Summer Exhibition has been curated by Prof. Ian Ritchie and Louisa Hutton RA.07.06.2016 |
27.05.2016 |
Reporting from the Front: Saving the City
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners at the Venice Biennale 2016 27.05.2016 |
23.05.2016 |
Foundation stone laid at Geneva Airport, aile_EST
Construction has begun on the new wing of Geneva Airport, which is due to open in 2020. Representatives from Geneva Airport and the airport authorities laid a foundation stone to mark the occasion.23.05.2016 |
14.05.2016 |
RSHP reveals its new studio in The Leadenhall Building
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners has made its mark on one of its own buildings through a fit-out which reflects and promotes its working practices and ethos.14.05.2016 |
06.05.2016 |
Architecture for an Instant Community
PLACE/Ladywell housing wins Mayor’s Prize and the Temporary building category at NLA Awards.06.05.2016 |
19.04.2016 |
Guy’s Cancer Centre reaches practical completion
A major milestone in the development of a new £160 million Cancer Centre at Guy’s Hospital has been reached following the completion of construction. 19.04.2016 |
04.04.2016 |
Archiboo Talks: Learning from Paris: how the French capital is reinventing itself
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners will host the next Archiboo talk, introduced by RSHP partner, Stephen Barrett. 04.04.2016 |
16.03.2016 |
Collaboration: The Lineage of an Architectural Practice
RSHP’s history offers a remarkable lens on the task and the potential of architecture.16.03.2016 |
16.03.2016 |
Skyfarm wins sustainability award at MIPIM
Skyfarm has been awarded the Sustainability Prize at The Architectural Review MIPIM Future Projects Awards 2016. 16.03.2016 |
11.03.2016 |
Building for Democracy: Senedd celebrates tenth anniversary
The Senedd, the home of the National Assembly for Wales in Cardiff, celebrates its tenth anniversary on Tuesday 1 March with Building for Democracy, a talk from architects Richard Rogers and Ivan Harbour of Rogers Stirk Harbour and Partners. 11.03.2016 |
10.02.2016 |
LegoRogers launch new BBVA Bancomer headquarters
The President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, will officially open a new urban landmark on the skyline of Mexico City - BBVA Bancomer’s new headquarters today. 10.02.2016 |
04.02.2016 |
Richard Rogers receives ULI J.C. Nichols Prize for Visionaries in Urban Development
Richard Rogers has been named the 2015 recipient of the ULI J.C. Nichols Prize for Visionaries in Urban Development, receiving the honour at the ULI European Conference in Paris this week. 04.02.2016 |
27.01.2016 |
Y:Cube shortlisted for RIBA Journal MacEwen Award
Y: Cube has been shortlisted for the inaugural RIBA Journal MacEwen Award, the award which aims to find and celebrate the best examples in the UK and Ireland of projects with a clear social benefit, right across society.27.01.2016 |
12.01.2016 |
Deutsche Bank confirms investment of more than £370m in The International Quarter, Stratford
Following last week’s announcement that Legal & General have purchased the TfL Building at The International Quarter in Stratford for c.£245 million, Lendlease today announced the forward purchase of the FCA Building for £370 million by Deutsche Bank. 12.01.2016 |
17.12.2015 |
Prouvé House shortlisted for Wallpaper* Life Enhancer award
Wallpaper* magazine’s 2016 Design Awards are handed to the people places and things that have ‘rocked our world over the last year’.17.12.2015 |
14.12.2015 |
Richard Rogers to be awarded ULI J.C. Nichols Prize
Richard Rogers has been named the 2015 laureate of the Urban Land Institute J C Nichols Prize for Visionaries in Urban Development.14.12.2015 |
08.12.2015 |
Richard Rogers to chair the jury to the inaugural RIBA International Prize
The inaugural RIBA International Prize will be judged by a grand jury including Richard Rogers, Kunlé Adeyemi, and Philip Gumuchdjian.08.12.2015 |
03.12.2015 |
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partner's staff run, walk and cycle 'The Last Loop' by the River Thames
Today was ‘The Last Loop’ before RSHP move to their new offices in the heart of the City at The Leadenhall Building on Monday 14 December.03.12.2015 |
01.12.2015 |
8 Chifley wins Gold at MIPIM Asia for Best Office & Business Development
8 Chifley was announced today at the Gold medal winner for Best Office and Business Development at MIPIM Asia at a Gala Dinner in Hong Kong.01.12.2015 |
01.12.2015 |
First units at PLACE/Ladywell installed
The first units that will create the innovative PLACE/Ladywell temporary housing development were installed today.01.12.2015 |
30.11.2015 |
Barangaroo Tower 3 tops out
After 23 months of construction and 1.3 million worker hours, the future Australian headquarters for Lendlease and KPMG is well underway at Barangaroo, with the topping out of Tower Three of International Towers Sydney.30.11.2015 |
17.11.2015 |
New Partners to be created at Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners
For the past year the Partners have been debating the changes necessary to ensure the continuing success of the Practice and recognise the contribution that members of the senior team have made.17.11.2015 |
17.11.2015 |
Founding Partner, Mike Davies to step down from the board
Founding partner Mike Davies has decided to step down from the Board at the end of this year.17.11.2015 |
10.11.2015 |
Double Cove wins Hong Kong National prizes in International Property Awards
Double Cove has won the Hong Kong National Property Awards in three categories: Residential High Rise Development; Architecture Multiple Residence; and Mixed Use Architecture, qualifying the scheme for the International Property Awards 2016 final.10.11.2015 |
30.10.2015 |
RSHP wins competition for T3 at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners have won a competition to design the new Terminal 3 building of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport.30.10.2015 |
19.10.2015 |
The Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry attend the opening of The Leadenhall Building
The Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry were guests of honour today as The Leadenhall Building, the tallest building in The City of London, officially opened for business.19.10.2015 |
08.10.2015 |
New Ideas for Housing Exhibition
London has faced a ‘housing crisis’ for over two decades – a crisis that at present levels of housing delivery can only get worse. Despite its longevity there seems to be a dearth of new thinking. We have a shortage of land, yet our thinking on density is basic at best.08.10.2015 |
01.10.2015 |
NEO Bankside
In response to statements made by the Architects 4 Social Housing group, Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners would like to comment as follows.01.10.2015 |
30.09.2015 |
Jean Prouvé Recreated
The original 6x6 demountable house was developed by Prouvé specifically for rehousing civilians in Lorraine, France, following the Second World War.30.09.2015 |
24.09.2015 |
1995-2015 Twentieth Anniversary of the European Court of Human Rights building
To mark its 20th anniversary, the European Court of Human Rights is to hold an exhibition on the history of the Human Rights Building. As part of the proceedings Ivan Harbour will give a talk to its staff.24.09.2015 |
22.09.2015 |
Behind the Design
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners and Mace present Behind the Design: the design and construction of the World Conservation and Exhibitions Centre at the British Museum.22.09.2015 |
17.09.2015 |
Chiswick Park celebrates completion of final building
One of London’s most successful and pioneering business destinations, Chiswick Park, is celebrating the completion of the final building at the 33-acre office development.17.09.2015 |
17.09.2015 |
50 years of British Road Signs
In 1965 the British Road Sign appeared on our streets, designed by Jock Kinneir and Margaret Calvert.17.09.2015 |
17.09.2015 |
Open House: Thames Wharf Studios opens its doors for the final time
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners invites you to visit Thames Wharf Studios for our final Open House London, before the practice moves to The Leadenhall Building in December. 17.09.2015 |
17.09.2015 |
Work begins on Financial Conduct Authority HQ at Stratford’s The International Quarter
Construction has officially started on the new headquarters of the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), which is relocating from its current premises at Canary Wharf to The International Quarter.17.09.2015 |
17.09.2015 |
Campus Palmas Altas obtains LEED Platinum certification
The headquarters for Abengoa, completed in 2009 is the first building in Europe to obtain; LEED Platinum certification by the US Green Building Council.17.09.2015 |
15.09.2015 |
The Leadenhall Building Announced as The City of London Building of the Year 2015
The Leadenhall Building, designed by Rogers Stirk Harbour and Partners and developed by British Land and Oxford Properties, is the winner of the inaugural City of London Building of the Year award.15.09.2015 |
15.09.2015 |
Y:Cube shortlisted for the New Ideas for Housing international ideas competition
The ideas competition, in partnership with the Mayor of London, aimed to find fresh thinking on how to unlock London’s housing supply and deliver more homes for an expanding population.15.09.2015 |
08.09.2015 |
YMCA and RSHP’s innovative factory-built affordable housing scheme welcomes first tenants
YMCA, the world’s oldest and largest youth charity, has today opened its first Y:Cube development; an off-site manufactured housing project for single people in housing need.08.09.2015 |
14.08.2015 |
The International Spy Museum is given full approval by the CFA
The museum, a joint venture between The JBG Companies and the Spy Museum will be the most prominent architectural piece within the proposed RSHP master plan for L’Enfant Plaza, Washington DC. 14.08.2015 |
16.07.2015 |
NEO Bankside shortlisted for Stirling Prize
The RIBA Stirling Prize is the UK’s most prestigious architecture prize. Every year it is presented to the architects of the building that has made the greatest contribution to the evolution of architecture in the past year. 16.07.2015 |
07.07.2015 |
RSHP win Louvre competition
The Musée du Louvre and the Nord-Pas de Calais region have announced the winner of the competition to build a conservation and storage facility for the Musée du Louvre in Liévin in northern France (Nord-Pas-de-Calais).07.07.2015 |
30.06.2015 |
Construction begins on new TfL building at The International Quarter
A groundbreaking ceremony took place at The International Quarter to symbolically mark the start of construction of the new Transport for London building in Stratford, East London.30.06.2015 |
18.06.2015 |
Campaign to save Robin Hood Gardens from Demolition
RSHP Partners Richard Rogers and Simon Smithson have sent a letter to members of the architecture, design and construction communities requesting their support in a campaign to save the Robin Hood Gardens residential estate in Poplar, London.18.06.2015 |
04.06.2015 |
RSHP’s innovative landscape projects exhibited at RA Summer Exhibition
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners has been invited to exhibit innovative landscape projects at this year’s Summer Exhibition held at the prestigious Royal Academy of Arts in London, which opens to the public on 8 June 2015.04.06.2015 |
03.06.2015 |
RSHP adaptation of Jean Prouvé 6X6 House to be shown at Art Basel
Galerie Patrick Seguin will present an adaptation of Jean Prouvé’s 6x6 Demountable House (1944) at Design Miami/ Basel 2015, from June 15- |
29.05.2015 |
RSHP reveals new identity
RSHP has revealed an updated practice identity, developed with long-time graphic design collaborators Pentagram.29.05.2015 |
29.05.2015 |
Win for NEO Bankside at RIBA National Awards 2015
NEO Bankside, RSHP’s residential scheme in the heart of the Bankside area of London has been announced amongst the winners of the RIBA National Awards 2015, the most rigorously judged awards for architectural excellence in the UK. 29.05.2015 |
15.05.2015 |
British Museum WCEC wins at RICS Awards
The World Conservation and Exhibitions Centre (WCEC) at the British Museum has won the Best Building award in the Tourism and Leisure category at the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) London Awards.15.05.2015 |
14.05.2015 |
Lewisham 'Pop-Up' Scheme Wins Planning
RSHP’s design for a ‘pop-up’ mixed-use development on the site of the former Ladywell Leisure Centre building in Lewisham has received planning permission.14.05.2015 |
07.05.2015 |
8 Chifley named Development of the Year
8 Chifley in Sydney has been named the Rider Levett Bucknall /Property Council of Australia Development of the Year.07.05.2015 |
05.05.2015 |
Tfl announced as first tenants at The International Quarter
Lend Lease and London and Continental Railways (LCR) have announced that Transport for London (TfL) has signed a pre-let to occupy a building as part of the second stage of the £2.1 billion development at Stratford, East London.05.05.2015 |
27.04.2015 |
Y:Cube Housing Wins at Edison Awards 2015
Y:Cube Housing has won a silver medal in the ‘social solutions’ category at the 2015 Edison Awards, which recognise innovation in new products, services and business leaders from around the world.27.04.2015 |
18.03.2015 |
LSE granted planning permission
Westminster City Council resolved to grant planning permission last night for a major redevelopment at the heart of The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) campus; the largest project in the School’s 120 year history.18.03.2015 |
17.03.2015 |
RSHP submits plans for redevelopment of Thames Wharf Studios
Following the announcement of the practice’s move to The Leadenhall Building, RSHP has submitted plans for the £35 million redevelopment of its riverside offices Thames Wharf Studios in Hammersmith that have been its home for more than 30 years. 17.03.2015 |
12.03.2015 |
RSHP unveil mixed-use development in central Bogotá
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (RSHP) has unveiled plans for ATRIO, a major mixed-use commercial development in central Bogotá comprising two towers connected by a large, open public space at ground level.12.03.2015 |
12.03.2015 |
RSHP’s New Cancer Centre at Guy's Tops Out
A major milestone in the construction of RSHP’s new £160 million Cancer Centre at Guy’s Hospital has been marked with an official ‘topping out’ ceremony during which a yew tree branch was placed into the roof of the 14-storey building.12.03.2015 |
05.02.2015 |
Graham Stirk on jury for new Thames crossing
RSHP Partner Graham Stirk will sit on the competition jury for a new Thames crossing at Nine Elms in south London.05.02.2015 |
14.01.2015 |
The Leadenhall Building to be RSHP’s new home
RSHP has signed an agreement with developers British Land and Oxford Properties to lease level 14 of The Leadenhall Building, a new office tower in the City of London designed by the practice.14.01.2015 |
19.11.2014 |
Geneva airport design receives planning permission
Geneva airport ‘aile_EST’, or East wing, a 520 metre-long Non-Schengen facility designed by Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, has received planning permission from The Federal Authorities in Switzerland.19.11.2014 |