


RSHP offers year out placements for students who have finished their third year at university. The students are assigned individual mentors and have the chance to work in various areas within the office.

The first three weeks in the office include a training period in the Digital Resources team and induction to the procedures of the office. Students then start working with one of the architectural teams. Throughout the year, students learn about the various functions of the office. Applicants for year out placements should send a CV and some work samples showing a range of skills and abilities from freehand sketching to computer work. All applications should contain some material from the final degree project.

Please note that while we welcome receiving CVs, portfolios and job applications through the post or via hand delivery, we will not accept or respond to CVs and applications sent via email.

Please address all applications to:
The Recruitment Team
Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners
The Leadenhall Building
122 Leadenhall Street


Our work experience programme runs during July and August. Students aged 14-18 years can apply to spend a week with the practice where they will be given a specific brief to work to and gain an understanding of the various stages of the design process. The final product is a model and coloured sketches.

All places for work experience in Summer 2020 are now taken.

To apply for Summer 2021 please submit a CV and cover letter to after 1st November 2020. We regret that we cannot accept any applications submitted before this date.
